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※ 본 상품은 실시간 이메일 배송되는 제품으로 30 분이내에 받아보실 수 있습니다. 


Classic Chorusing for the Modern Producer

TriceraChorus is inspired by the classic Tri-choruses and stompbox choruses of the 1970s and early 1980s. It pairs rich BBD-style Tri-chorusing with another classic effect of the 1980s: Eventide micro-pitch detuning. This effect can be used to thicken the sound, to add static chorusing, and to spread the stereo field by detuning the left and right signals in opposite directions. The combination of these effects makes it easy to create syrupy, smooth, and deep modulations on synths, strings, vocals, guitar, bass, and more. TriceraChorus is a great way to add richness and spatial depth to your sounds. TriceraChorus was designed to inspire experimentation with a UI optimized for live performance. Whether on your desktop, laptop or iPad, TriceraChorus will expand your sonic palette.

Explore the Depth

TriceraChorus has three chorus voices: Left, Center, and Right. A three-phase LFO modulates the delay times for these voices, producing an interesting and pleasing movement across the stereo field. The combination of the three modulated delays creates rich chorus sounds that are reminiscent of gear from the 70s and 80s.

For a classic chorus stompbox sound, set TriceraChorus to “Chorus" mode. If you need something with more complexity and depth, “Chorale” produces lush, swirling choruses inspired by classic rackmount Tri-chorus units. For a more psychedelic aesthetic try out “Swirl."

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Live Performance Tools

TriceraChorus is available in a package that can take full advantage of the flexibility of today's modern desktop or mobile platforms. It has never been easier to automate its parameters for ultimate control. RIBBON morphs the effect between two different settings. The RIBBON control is easy to set up, yet powerful to use. Wielding this intuitive performance macro can be great for intensifying the depth of flange-like settings, changing the rate of modulation for transitional effects, or simply controlling the Mix parameters for momentary performance flourishes.

Use the HOTSWITCH to immediately jump from one setting to another. RIBBON and HOTSWITCH settings are saved per-preset providing great flexibility in exploring the range of possibilities with TriceraChorus. In addition to its powerful automation tools, TriceraChorus also features ENV RATE and ENV MIX controls which use the dynamics of your signal to adjust the rate and mix.


  • Bucket Brigade Delay-style stereo Tri-chorus

  • CHORUS Mode evokes the chorusing effect created by classic chorus stompboxes

  • CHORALE Mode produces lush, swirling choruses inspired by classic rackmount Tri-chorus units

  • CHORUS MIX adds just a hint of chorusing, or turn it all the way up for vibrato

  • DEPTH L/C/R controls the amount of modulation applied to each of the 3 voices from the LFO. Individual voices can muted allowing you to use any combination of voices

  • DETUNE the left and right channels simultaneously by +/- 40 cents

  • DELAY sets the amount of delay for the chorusing effect; use it to thicken your signal, create a flange, or slap-back sound

  • SWIRL adds stereo frequency shifting for a psychedelic flange-like flavor

  • TONE for shaping the high and low end of your signal. Remove muddy low frequencies or roll of high frequencies for a darker sound

  • RIBBON lets you morph the effect between two different settings

  • Available for Mac and PC as VST, AAX, and AU plug-in

  • iOS version works as an AUv3 plug-in and standalone app

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