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※ 본 상품은 실시간 이메일 배송되는 제품으로 30 분이내에 받아보실 수 있습니다.
"I must tell you that Galaxy X is certainly in a category of its own"
After three years of development Galaxy Instruments proudly presents an exciting new virtual instrument with an extraordinary new kind of sound design:
X is a CONVOLUTION SYNTHESIZER, bringing an extremely powerful and creative sound design tool at your disposal: FX CONVOLUTION. X features over 1400 convolution X-Files to completely alter more than 15GB of source sounds, all specifically recorded and tweaked for X. Divided into three instrument categories, Galaxy X delivers a complete production pack.
For instant use, you can choose from over 1000 READY-TO-PLAY INSTRUMENT LAYERS. With the specially created, very intuitive and effective user interface, it´s a snap to completely change an instrument layer or create new ones from scratch. Welcome into a new world of Sound Design.
X-FX - featuring all kinds of effect sounds
X-KEYS - tonally playable instruments
X-LOOPS - thousands of special effect loops
Sound categories include spheres - impacts - rhythms - tonally playable loops - tons of effects - morphed sounds - sequences - cinematic soundscapes - wild ambiences - drones - effect grooves - reversed sounds - all from smooth and deep to hard and heavy, and a lot more. Galaxy X works great for Score Music - Games - Ambient - Chill - Soundtrack - Trance - Electronic Music - Dance - Pop - Progressive - Experimental ...
... for everybody who is looking for new sounds.
In the audio world, convolution is the process of multiplying two signals together or folding one audio file over the other one. The result is a hybrid of the two original sounds, introducing a whole new world of sound creations.
With Galaxy X, those two sound files are the Sources and the X-Files.
The SOURCES are sample sets especially and exclusively recorded and tweaked for the use with FX Convolution. All in all X delivers about 15BG of source material with almost 1000 tonally playable source key instruments, over 2000 Effect Sounds and over 5000 Loops.
The X-FILES are Impulse Responses, specifically created for FX convolution, which shape, twist, filter, reverse, deepen, morph and even destroy and rebuild the source sounds.
By the X-Engine’s X-Files a celeste mutates into a tuning orchestra, a bowed ventilator sinks into the resonances of a piano, a sitar smashes into a clatter of glass, a tonal dance loop arises from a kalimba.
The combination of Sources and X-Files creates trillions of sounds unheard before!
The „X-EYE“
The X-EYE is the center of the X surface. Its color corresponds to the amount of FX-convolution in action.
The great thing about X is that you are always in charge of easily and dynamically changing the amount of FX convolution by simply using the Modulation Wheel or any other midi controller.
This way the final sound of X can be modulated. Listen to your music and instantly decide, how much the Source should be convolved.
FEED FOR THE BEAST - The Sources Overall you can choose from over 4000 basic source sounds, which are based on over 16000 samples. Almost 1000 TONALLY PLAYABLE SOURCES like bowed mallets and cymbals, piano overtones, waterphone, mini-celesta, synthetic attacks and weirdos, different pianos, plucked and beaten instruments, noises or reversed sounds.
Over 2000 EFFECT SOUNDS such as magic balls, whirling wood, circuit bent noises, scratched cymbals, electronic effects, industrial and machine samples or flute and voice phrases.
Over 5000 exceptional LOOPS such as tongue drum, body percussion, world percussions, tonal loops, chopped loops, vinyl loops and weird ones like Rod Spring Piano or Trembling Chimes.
X FILES - Impulse Responses
The X-Files put their mark on the Sources, be it the envelope, the frequency, the position or tonality and resonance. The kind of effect they achieve always depends on the interaction between Source and X-File. Galaxy X being a virtual instrument featuring both the sources and the convolution files gave us the opportunity to co-ordinate them on each other.
The effect of the X-FILES ranges from filtering the source to shaping, deepening, morphing or completely mutating it.
We recorded hundreds of ´real´ X-Files like instrument resonances, phrases, ´mistreated instruments´, voice noises or environmental noises and treated them big time for great effects on the sources.
We sampled different rooms, vintage equipment like tape delays or old turntables, ..... We programmed noises for filtering and shaping the sources or recorded and tweaked different loops for creating tonally playable loops.
We reversed all kind of X-Files for creating reverse effects for every X-Source.
Galaxy X brings convolution sources and X-Files together into one virtual instrument for the first time. This enabled us to co-ordinate all sounds and aspects of FX convolution into one integrated system with an intuitive, easy, but effective user interface. The source sounds start in the top triangle of the interface, the Sources section. The Sources can be layered by up to three, already creating a whole bunch of complex sources. These combined source sounds take their way counter-clockwise to the next module.
The Pre-X-Engine prepares the sources for FX-convolution. The source can be distorted, crunched and crushed, resulting in a very different interaction with the X-File. The ´Dirt´ Section is followed by either a Groove and Sequence generator or an EQ/Filter section. Contour shapes the signal and Repeat adds filtered echoes, also being convolved afterwards.
The combination of Sources and Pre-X effects already creates a zillion of complex sounds. But these are only the feed for the beast: the X-Engine.
The X-Engine is the convolution module of X. This is where you choose your X-File, change its length and tuning, sync it to the host tempo and reverse it, if you choose to do so. The main control is the ´X-Factor´, representing the amount of convolution. The ´X-Factor´ is always controlled by the Modulation Wheel (unless you choose another controller) and always visualized by the centered X-Eye, so you can always ´keep an eye´ on the convolution amount.
At the end, the Post-X-Engine finalizes the Xed sound with a panning automation, Color and Filter control and the final Space module. Behind Space hides another convolution module, but this time exclusively serving for all kinds of reverb, from weird small spaces to the Taj Mahal.
Convolution Synthesizer
New sound synthesis for exciting new sounds
Integrated system for FX convolution in one virtual instrument
Complete production kit: X-Keys, X-FX and X-Loops
More than 1000 ready-to-play Instrument Layers
Easy creation of user sounds
15GB of Source Sounds
More than 1000 multi-sampled Source Key Instruments
More than 5000 Source Loops
More than 2000 Source Effect Sounds
More than 1400 Convolution X-Files for completely altering the source sounds
Complex sound design with an extremely intuitive user interface
Easy dynamic use of convolution using the Mod Wheel
X-Eye for visualizing the amount of convolution
Musical and intuitive Pre-X and Post-X effects
Endless sound possibilities designed by you
동영상이 없습니다.
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네이버 페이 결제 와 무통장 입금은 실시간 전자배송이 실시간이 불가능합니다. 결제후 따로 이메일이나 전화 연락을 주시면 제품 시리얼 혹은 다운로드 링크를 보내드립니다.
전화문의 : 02-3444-7436 (내선 1번)
이메일 : cuoshop@sonicvalue.com
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