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소프트웨어의 전자 배송으로, 이미 라이센스 코드가 발급되고 나면, 회수가 불가능하여, 전자 배송 후 반품이나 환불이 일체 되지 않습니다.
Addictive Drums 2 - Studio Pop 팝 락 드럼 킷
KV331 SynthMaster One 신디사이저
KV331 SynthMaster Player 수백가지 프리셋 포함
KV331 SynthMaster 2 신디사이저
Musiclab RealLPC 6 풀버젼
Musiclab RealStrat 6 풀버젼
Musiclab RealGuitar 6 풀버젼
Classic 87 VMS ML-1 Expansion Pack
MetaTune 자동 음정 튜닝 플러그인
VMR 2.0 (Virtual Mix Rack) 채널스트립
FG-2A Compressor 옵토 컴프레서 에뮬레이션 플러그인
Serato DJ Pro 디제이용 소프트웨어
Serato Studio 비트 메이킹 소프트웨어
Melodyne 5 assistant 멜로다인 5 어시스턴트 풀버젼
Melodyne 5 editor 멜로다인 5 에디터 풀버젼
Melodyne 5 studio 멜로다인 5 스튜디오 풀버젼
Chris Hein Solo Strings Complete 컴플리트 버전
Chris Hein Orchestra Complete 오케스트라 앙상블 컴플리트 버전
Chris Hein Ensemble Strings 현악기 앙상블
STEVEN SLATE Steven Slate Drums 5
※ 본 상품은 실시간 이메일 배송되는 제품으로 30 분이내에 받아보실 수 있습니다.
The Sounds of Forests and Jungles
Mother Nature conducts what is probably the largest orchestra on our planet. The wind blowing through the leaves, the birds singing loudly - countless natural instruments are constantly writing new and unique music. Forest Kingdom 3 is the highly anticipated sequel to the award-winning Best Service
Forest-Kingdom-Series that transfers the sounds of forests and jungles to computer-based
The creator of Forest Kingdom 3 natural world of sounds is Eduardo Tarilonte, who is known for libraries like "NADA", "Dark ERA" and "Desert Winds". Due to his attention to detail, sampling master Eduardo manages to take musicians all over the world on a journey through deserts, forests and distant lands.
"Forest Kingdom 3 is a collection of exotic instruments inspired by the diversity of nature, the sounds of deep forests with colorful birds and the scents of lost jungles. Version 3 expands the extensive collection of instruments by adding, among others, 10 spiritual Native American flutes with excellent playability. I can say without any doubt that these are my best sampled flutes yet. Close your eyes and get ready to dive deep into nature and its uniqueness." Eduardo Tarilonte
Forest Kingdom 3 Key Features:
30 wind instruments (including 10 wonderful flutes made by Native Americans).
90 ethnic percussion-instruments
Mythical creatures and voices of shamans
210 fascinating soundscapes
300 inspiring multitrack performance MIDI-Grooves
Over 700 presets
Over 20,000 individual samples
Registered owners of Forest Kingdom I or Forest Kingdom II can buy an upgrade:
Forest Kingdom 3 is the perfect tool for composers and sound-designers who want to compose music and atmospheric sounds for movies, documentaries, video-games or new-age-music.
In addition to over 700 presets, 300 unique performance multi-track grooves and over 20,000 individual samples, Forest Kingdom 3 includes 17.6 GB of sounds comprising flutes, harps, percussion-instruments, mythical creatures, vocals and stunning soundscapes.
Included Sounds Overview:
Percussion - 90 patches hosting numerous instruments from all over the world: Ambient Wind Chimes, Bata Drums (3), Berimbau, Claves, Culo e Puya Drums (3), Djembe, Frame Drum, Jawbone, Kalimba, Qraqueb, Quitipla, Shekere Set (3), Tibetan Bowl, Tribal Maracas I, Tribal Maracas II, Numerous Different Shakers, Chimes, Taiko, Duff, Cumacos, Slic Drum, Udu, Marimbola (a huge kalimba) and more!
Plucked - Offers the sound of two magical harps (acoustic and electric)
Wind - Forest Kingdom 3 contains an amazing collection of flutes. All of them feature the new Blow-Intensity-System that controls dynamics and expression and is connected to the Pitch-Bend-Wheel. In this category you will find among others: Aztec Clay Flute I, Aztec Clay Flute II, Didgeridoo, Moseño Flute, Raj Nplaim Flute, Konkovka, Wooden Overtone Flute, PVC Overtone (phrases), Bulgarian piccolo flute, Kiowa flute, African Fula Flute, Double Flute, Mayan Seashell Horn, Xiao as well as a full collection of pan flutes from the smallest to the largest.
Voices - A beautiful ethereal solo voice with real legato and shaman phrases.
Fantasy Creatures - A set of sounds of fantasy creatures and bird calls.
Soundscapes - 210 inspiring and unique soundscapes by Eduardo Tarilonte.
Performance Grooves - 300 inspiring and editable multitrack-performance-MIDI-grooves that will give you three and a half hours of pure musical inspiration.
Works with Engine Version or higher
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플러그인샵의 소프트웨어 제품들은 전자 배송 (electronic software distribution) 상품입니다.
실제 물건이 택배나 퀵으로 배송되는 것이 아니라, 온라인 전자배송으로 구입시 입력하신 이메일을 통하여 제품의 시리얼 넘버 or 다운로드 링크 형태로 전자 배송되는 상품입니다.
주문 및 결제를 완료하시면, 입력하신 이메일 주소로 시리얼 넘버 or 다운로드 링크가 발송됩니다.
네이버 페이 결제 와 무통장 입금은 실시간 전자배송이 실시간이 불가능합니다. 결제후 따로 이메일이나 전화 연락을 주시면 제품 시리얼 혹은 다운로드 링크를 보내드립니다.
전화문의 : 02-3444-7436 (내선 1번)
이메일 : cuoshop@sonicvalue.com
자동 실시간 전자 배송 방식이기 때문에 배송 여부와 관계 없이 주문 후 취소나 변경은 불가능합니다.
실시간 전자배송 소요시간 : 최대 2시간이내 (2시간 이후는 연락주세요)
실시간 외 일반 전자배송 : 결재후 1일 이내에 배송되며, 특별한 플러그인 제조사의 경우에는 제조사 방침에 따라 2~3일 혹은 1주일 정도 지연될 수도 있습니다.