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※ 본 상품은 실시간 이메일 배송되는 제품으로 30 분이내에 받아보실 수 있습니다.
Overdrive Command Center
CrushStation is a versatile, best-in-class, stereo distortion platform. Its controls can drive your tone from creamy saturation to a brutal sonic assault. But distortion is just the starting point. CrushStation brings multi-effects to the mix by adding a three-band EQ, Compression, Octave Mix and, Eventide’s unique take on failing hardware, the Sag control. Use the MIX Control to blend your dry signal with CrushStation to create parallel compression, distortion, and other creative effects.
Fix, Fit & Feature
CrushStation’s combination of ingredients creates a plugin that excels at the three broad ways distortion effects can be deployed. FX expert and author, Alex Case, refers to them as the “3Fs”: FIT, FIX and FEATURE.
"FIX” a weak snare track by adding just a bit of Grit & Compression.
“FIT” finesse the lead into your mix by adding a bit of warmth and bottom.
“FEATURE” the lead by crushing it ‘til it hurts.
- 35 PRESETS painstakingly tailored to cover all the bas(s)es
- DRIVE from shallow subtle boost to deep overdrive distortion
- GRIT and SUSTAIN pushes into fuzz territory
- SAG was inspired by our experience of the sound of dying analog gear; the power rail sags and the amp starts sputtering, cutting out and sounding 'broken'
- MIX in higher and lower OCTAVES then turn up the DRIVE and SUSTAIN to crush them together to form massive new textures
- GRIT for low-end, gritty, chugging sounds
- 3-Band EQ to shape your tone
- GATE your signal to tame an aggressive distortion output, or get aggressive with high threshold gating and dry MIX for parallel gated crunch
- RIBBON lets you ‘play’ the effect in real-time and provides dynamic and fluid control to morph back and forth between the settings of your choice
- HOTSWITCH allows you to instantly switch between two different distinct settings within the same preset at the push of a button
- MIXLOCK keeps MIX control constant as you audition presets
- Available for Mac and PC as VST, AAX, and AU plug-in
Play it Live
Originally developed for the Eventide H9 Harmonizer® pedal, CrushStation has been enhanced for experimentation and live performance and fine-tuned for your desktop, laptop or iPad. Like all H9 series plug-ins, CrushStation is designed to 'play'. The Ribbon lets you sweep the effect between two completely different settings. On one end you can have a gritty dark EQ, and on the other a wall of sound using heavy Compression, Sag, and Octaves during a solo or intense transition. Even a dramatic effect can become boring if it remains static throughout a track. Use the Ribbon to add a bit of 'life' while you're mixing. For desktop users, plug in a MIDI keyboard and gain control of the Ribbon via the mod wheel for tactile and nuanced morphs and sweeps.
Presets Make It Easy
The plug-in comes loaded with 35 Factory Presets that cover the many ways that you'll want to use it. Presets capable of adding spice, flair, crude and crunch to suit a variety of production styles. Get guitars, bass and synth to sit perfectly in the mix by dialing in warmth and depth with "PunkRock Lobster." The Grit control in "Fat n Snappy" adds preamp-style distortion that can help bring out kicks in the mix with. "Big Pop Octaves" adds subtle distortion and lower octaves for unique pitch blending vocal effects. Further fine tune your sound using the three-band EQ to tame cymbals and vocal sibilance.
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플러그인샵의 소프트웨어 제품들은 전자 배송 (electronic software distribution) 상품입니다.
실제 물건이 택배나 퀵으로 배송되는 것이 아니라, 온라인 전자배송으로 구입시 입력하신 이메일을 통하여 제품의 시리얼 넘버 or 다운로드 링크 형태로 전자 배송되는 상품입니다.
주문 및 결제를 완료하시면, 입력하신 이메일 주소로 시리얼 넘버 or 다운로드 링크가 발송됩니다.
네이버 페이 결제 와 무통장 입금은 실시간 전자배송이 실시간이 불가능합니다. 결제후 따로 이메일이나 전화 연락을 주시면 제품 시리얼 혹은 다운로드 링크를 보내드립니다.
전화문의 : 02-3444-7436 (내선 1번)
이메일 : cuoshop@sonicvalue.com
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실시간 전자배송 소요시간 : 최대 2시간이내 (2시간 이후는 연락주세요)
실시간 외 일반 전자배송 : 결재후 1일 이내에 배송되며, 특별한 플러그인 제조사의 경우에는 제조사 방침에 따라 2~3일 혹은 1주일 정도 지연될 수도 있습니다.