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Addictive Drums 2 - Studio Pop 팝 락 드럼 킷
KV331 SynthMaster One 신디사이저
KV331 SynthMaster Player 수백가지 프리셋 포함
KV331 SynthMaster 2 신디사이저
Musiclab RealLPC 6 풀버젼
Musiclab RealStrat 6 풀버젼
Musiclab RealGuitar 6 풀버젼
Classic 87 VMS ML-1 Expansion Pack
MetaTune 자동 음정 튜닝 플러그인
VMR 2.0 (Virtual Mix Rack) 채널스트립
FG-2A Compressor 옵토 컴프레서 에뮬레이션 플러그인
Serato DJ Pro 디제이용 소프트웨어
Serato Studio 비트 메이킹 소프트웨어
Melodyne 5 assistant 멜로다인 5 어시스턴트 풀버젼
Melodyne 5 editor 멜로다인 5 에디터 풀버젼
Melodyne 5 studio 멜로다인 5 스튜디오 풀버젼
Chris Hein Solo Strings Complete 컴플리트 버전
Chris Hein Orchestra Complete 오케스트라 앙상블 컴플리트 버전
Chris Hein Ensemble Strings 현악기 앙상블
STEVEN SLATE Steven Slate Drums 5
※ 본 상품은 실시간 이메일 배송되는 제품으로 30 분이내에 받아보실 수 있습니다.
Rewind Time with the Clockworks Bundle
In 1971, in a New York City basement, Eventide Clockworks revolutionized the audio industry by creating the world’s first studio effects processor--the Instant Phaser and pro audio's first digital device, the Digital Delay Line. Over the course of the following decade, Eventide would release the world's first Harmonizer®, the H910, along with the other industry firsts: Omnipressor®, Instant Flanger, H949, and SP2016. Now, producers and engineers can evoke the classic effects heard on countless records from the last 50 years with the Clockworks Bundle. Painstakingly modeling every aspect of these hardware units was neither quick nor easy but now the must-have sonic beauty of these classic boxes is available for use with your favorite D.A.W. live or in the studio.
8 Iconic Plug-ins included:
Instant Phaser: The Instant Phaser was the world's first studio phaser and the first rack mount effects unit, period. Originally intended to make the painstaking task of tape flanging quick and easy, engineers and producers would use it for smooth, transparent modulation and pleasing stereo decorrelation. It used analog all pass filters to mimic the effect achieved by time delay resulting in a modulation effect all its own. Experience all of its analog charm with the Instant Phaser Mk II plugin and add “Age” to taste.
Omnipressor: The Omnipressor, released in 1974, set the stage as the first dynamics effects processor, introducing the concepts of infinite compression, dynamic reversal, and side-chaining. The flexible nature makes the Omnipressor plugin a must-have, with options to control all aspects of dynamic modification.
H910 Harmonizer: The H910 Harmonizer was the world's first digital effects unit. With its unique combinations of pitch shifting, feedback, modulation and delay, it was a huge hit across studios worldwide. Thickening snares, guitars and vocals are H910’s bread and butter, but robot sounds and gritty octaves are just as easily dialed in. Bundle includes H910 Dual.
Instant Flanger: The Instant Flanger utilized newfangled bucket brigade ICs for swept delay resulting in a 'true', time-based, emulation of tape flanging. Whereas the Instant Phaser offered several methods of controlling modulation, the Instant Flanger allowed engineers to combine these controls. The result, more control layers and less predictable sweeps. Explore vintage modulation sweetness with the Instant Flanger Mk II.
H949: In 1977, Eventide released the H949, standing on the shoulders of the H910 as the second in Eventide's family of Harmonizers. It introduced a formal micro pitch-shifting mode, which is a great sound for lead guitar virtuosos. It also had the first Reverse delays and introduced a Random pitch mode, which works great as an automatic double-track for guitars and vocals. And, the H949 conquered the 'glitch' by using advanced autocorrelation techniques. Bundle includes H949 Dual.
SP2016 Reverb: In 1981, the SP2016 was released and was the world's first programmable effects processor featuring ROM chips that “plugged in” under the hood making it possible to add new effects in the field. While it was not a Clockworks effects unit, the SP2016 earned its spot on this roster as it marks the opening chapter of modern Eventide effects processors, with the H9000 its current incarnation. The SP2016 Reverb plug-in includes modern and vintage versions of its signature Stereo Room, Room, and Hi-Density Plate.
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