Chris Hein Horns Compact

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CH Horns Compact Header

54 Brass & Woodwind Instruments

Brass- & Woodwind instruments for Jazz, Pop, Big-Band and Funk.

CHH-Compact is a powerful Brass & Woodwind instrument including all 54 solo-instruments of the highly acclaimed Chris Hein Horns Complete plus six synth-brass instruments.

CHH Compact Screen Bariton

Each of the solo-instruments has six velocities for the sustained notes and five different articulations available via Hot-Keys. No key-switching is required to access different articulations and playing-techniques. The main window shows an eight channel mixer which makes it easy to combine the solo-instruments to powerful sections.

Create your own combinations of instruments, play them all together or build your own live-setup with separate sections in different keyboard zones. All in one single instrument.
The professional entry level!


  • Brass = 13 x Trompete, 4 x Fluegelhorn, 9 x Tenor-Posaune, 6 x Bass-Posaune, 1 x Cimbasso, 2 x Tuba, 1 x Alphorn

  • Woodwinds = 4 x Klarinette, 2 x Sopran Saxofon, 4 x Alt Saxofon, 3 x Tenor Saxofon, 2 x Bariton Saxofon, 1 x Bass-Saxofon, 1 x ContraBass-Saxofon, 6 x Synth-Brass, 1x C-Flöte

Main Features

  • 54 Solo Instruments, 6 Synth-Brass Instruments
  • Approx. 9.800 Samples, 5 GB Content
  • Built-in Mixer, 5 different Playing Techniques
  • No Key-Switches required
  • Up to 8 Velocities per Note
  • Detailed Control-Features
  • 6 DSP EFX, 21 Convolutions
  • Revolutionary interface design with Hot-Keys, intelligent Legato & Vibrato
  • Compatible with Kontakt (Player) 5.0.3 or newer

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