For the first time ever, Get all of our Amps and Effects in one big package. Amplifikation 360 Bundle will jumpstart your Amplifikation 360 rig into it’s full potential: with 31 plug-ins to unlock every available modules inside Amplifikation 360.
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KV331 SynthMaster One 신디사이저

KV331 SynthMaster Player 수백가지 프리셋 포함

KV331 SynthMaster 2 신디사이저

Musiclab RealLPC 6 풀버젼

Musiclab RealStrat 6 풀버젼

Musiclab RealGuitar 6 풀버젼

Classic 87 VMS ML-1 Expansion Pack

MetaTune 자동 음정 튜닝 플러그인

Virtual Mix Rack (VMR) 3.0 채널스트립

FG-2A Compressor 옵토 컴프레서 에뮬레이션 플러그인

Serato DJ Pro 디제이용 소프트웨어

Serato Studio 비트 메이킹 소프트웨어

Melodyne 5 assistant 멜로다인 5 어시스턴트 풀버젼

Melodyne 5 editor 멜로다인 5 에디터 풀버젼

Melodyne 5 studio 멜로다인 5 스튜디오 풀버젼

Chris Hein Solo Strings Complete 컴플리트 버전

Chris Hein Orchestra Complete 오케스트라 앙상블 컴플리트 버전

Chris Hein Ensemble Strings 현악기 앙상블

STEVEN SLATE Steven Slate Drums 5
※ 본 상품은 실시간 이메일 배송되는 제품으로 30 분이내에 받아보실 수 있습니다.

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All of our amplifiers and effect units in a very attractive package. It’s hard to resist!
Get $900+ worth of plugins in a bundle where you can use each unit as an individual plugin for your DAW, or as a module for Amplifikation 360.
Here's What Included
Smart Harmony Engine – Monophonic dual voiced intelligent harmony generator. Imagine having two virtuosos harmoniously jamming alongside you, consistently in perfect sync. Kuassa Efektor Meloditron follows your artistic preferences, delivering flawless harmonized notes in an extensive array of modes and scales.
Hot preamp box with clean and drive channel. Kuassa Efektor Gainia-HB based on a renowned preamp box. This is a plugin that will deliver rich and vintage overdrive tones. You’ll be greeted with a warm and dynamic sound that’s packed with sustain. Instead of simply amplifying your guitar’s signal, Efektor Gainia-HB adds layers of depth and character to your sound that make it truly sing.
Dual channel tube driven preamp with bias control. Kuassa Efektor Gainia-TD is a guitar pedal effect plugin developed after a renowned tube driver pedal from the 1980s. This plugin is able to recreate the warm and dynamic sound of the original unit, using advanced algorithms to model the behavior of a vacuum tube to capture the subtleties and nuances of the tube-driven overdrive sound
Versatile mid to high gain preamp with boost and edge control. Kuassa Efektor Gainia-XT is a powerful guitar effect plugin that will deliver heavy, full-bodied, and high-gain tones without sacrificing clarity or definition. Proudly presented for its versatility and the range of tonal options it provides.
Simple power amp with cabinet simulators. Kuassa Pillar is a power amplifier simulator that utilizes vacuum tube emulation engine to enhance and complement the Efektor Gainia series preamps. Its primary function is to amplify the volume of the guitar sound and add a desirable level of saturation before it is projected through the speaker cabinet. You can turn off the cabinet simulator and use any impulse response file of your choice.
Bass Tube Preamp FX Engine – Tube driven crunchy Bass booster – We put our proprietary third generation tube engine into a single effect unit created to add some spicy tone to bass instruments. Efektor Cruncher brings colors and flavors to enrich your bass and make it scream. Add bright to bite, glow to growl, and everything in between that works well for any genre you play.
Bass Preamp/DI FX Engine – Extended range tonal shaping Bass preamp – Inspired by a renowned bass DI unit, Efektor Driver provides an extensive range of tonal shaping capabilities to satisfy your interest in low and deep sounds. Bring out vintage tube tone, glow up your slap, or just add an extra dirt without sacrificing the bottom end.
Bass Distortion FX Engine – Chunky, meaty, and heavy Bass Distortion – Developed specifically for bass guitar or any other low frequency instrument, Efektor Smasher delivers massive and heavy distortion which covers a broad range of dirty tone. Dial a chunky overdrive, thick and meaty distortion, or muff-like sustained wooly sound from a single effect unit.
NEW! Pitch-Shifter/Harmonizer. Quad independent pitch shifting engines in a range from -24 to +24 semitones. Add depth and dimension to your soundscapes with the ability to add extra low-fatness and detune to thicken your riffs, rise different pitch notes to enrich your vocals, or use the swell (slow attack) feature to create an organ or synth-like tone with your guitar.
NEW! High precision, pitch shifter/bender effect. A pitch sweeping effect unit that revolutionized music. Dive bomb from rumbling lows to squealing highs. Controllable via MIDI. A foot controller highly recommended for genuine pitch-shift/pitch-bend effects.
NEW! Our take on the “signature of a legend”, a guitar amplifier famous with the “brown sound”. Featuring a wide palette from rich cleans to deep, monstrous gain. New Improved graphics.
Our take on the heavy triple-rectification guitar amplifier. Featuring a wide palette from warm-cleans to hot and heavy. New Improved graphics.
Fourth product from Kuassa’s 3rd gen Tube Simulation technology. Inspired by the charm of British’ chime and jangly sound. Jumpered for more mojo!
Third product from Kuassa’s 3rd gen Tube Simulation technology. Inspired by the orange-colored, heavy-sounding British amps.
Second product from Kuassa’s 3rd gen Tube Simulation technology following the much hyped Amplifikation Caliburn. Amplifikation Matchlock is inspired by Fender™* combo amps and thanks to the 3rd gen Tube Simulation engine guarantees a more dynamic natural sounding, realistic amp recording experience for guitarists.
We are confident to say that this is our best amp yet. This time, it’s inspired by Britain’s Marshall™* Amps crafted using our most current 3rd generation modeling technology, resulting a satisfying responsive feel, more dynamic guitar playing experience you’ll love.
Lo{w} and behold.
From soulful to tenacious. Cerberus Bass Amp is 3-channel bass amplifier plug-in. Cerberus Bass Amp will deliver thundering lows straight from your computer, carefully tuned and carrying enough power to rumble your studio.
Our classic approach to a true vintage guitar combo amp modeling. The best guitar amp simulator for more rootsy guitarists who demands authenticity with it’s tremolo and a faithful recreation of analog spring reverb.
The best guitar amp simulator for more modern high-gain guitar sound, metal, and alike. Distinguished by it’s darker, fuller, heavier sound which will be loved my metalheads and modern guitarists.
Five types of distortion:
• Lead Distortion: ringing mids for screaming leads
• Heavy Distortion: penetrates from mild to heavy
• Metal Distortion: dark and thick, the solid metal gear
• Classic Distortion: singing leads and rockin’ hard
• Pro Distortion: fat and sharp edge for your tone
Five models of fuzzboxes:
- Big Fuzz: the gritty and wooly sustaining note
- Sustainer Fuzz: blistering rhythm and singing leads
- Trans Fuzz: the familiar fuzzy transistor sound
- Vintage Fuzz: modern recreation of the sound from the 60s
- Zepp Fuzz: the vintage british rock sound
Five models of overdrive :
- Blues Overdrive: imitates overdriven British amps
- Boutique Overdrive: a custom made overdrive, sounds fat and dynamic
- Mad Overdrive: hard, thick and retains the dynamic of your playing
- Modern Overdrive: a new model of overdrive that can be pushed into dense distortion
- Pro Overdrive: warm and tight, the classic screamer sound
Choose your favourite chorus sound from these three types:
- Dimension Chorus: add thickness, 3 dimensional depth and width from true analog circuit modeling
- Ensemble Chorus: a true classic chorusing effect with great tone. soft, deep, and rich
- Tribunal Chorus: big spectrum creates rich soundscapes in stereo. The sounds of multiple modulations combined together
Choose your favourite Flanger sound from these three types:
- Royal Flanger: the “vintage” flanging effect
- Jet Flanger: supersonic jet howl or cool spacey stereo image
- Electro Flanger: darker, swirly, chorusy, and trippy sound
Provides three types of sound:
- Phase One: Mild phasing effect, great for clean tone. Less dramatic sweep
- Dual Phase: Warm and thick phasing sound that sounds great with distorted guitar tones Great for many instruments such as guitar, bass, keyboards, and vocals
- Multi Phase: More intense effect . Offers more than a standard wobbling effect
Classic modulation with greater control over tremolo speed and wave shape. Choose from three type of wave oscillations:
- Sine wave
- Square wave
- Triangle/Sawtooth wave
There are three types of compression style in this unit:
- VCA: Stands for “Voltage Controlled Amplifier”. It’s fast, modern, and sounds very clean
- FET: Stands for “Field Effect Transistor”. Known for its aggressive behavior and also adds distinct color to the resulting sound
- OPTO: Shorts for “Optical”. It has the slowest reaction, but gives more characteristics and tightness to the result
Select from 6 types filter modes:
- CB: Dunlop™ Cry Baby*
- AX: Vertex™ Axis Wah*
- VG: Vox™ Grey Wah*
- MuLP: Mu-Tron™ Low Pass*
- MuBP: Mu-Tron™ Band Pass*
- MuHP: Mu-Tron™ High Pass*
5 types of delay pedal effects software at your disposal:
- Digital: Clean and clear, with wide frequency range.
- Analog: Dark and mushy, inspired by the bucket brigade delay pedals
- Lo-Fi: Grainy and dirty, lower bitrate with reduced frequency range
- Tape: Simulated the warm and lush sound of vintage tape units
- Reverse: Repeats the signal backwards for ethereal and ambient effect
Five types of Reverb to enhance your recordings:
- Room: Tight and fat roomy sound
- Hall: Big and wide concert space
- Plate: Simulated vibrating metal plate. Grainy and unique because the low frequency propagates slower than the high freq.
- Spring: Simulating mechanical springs commonly found on guitar amps
- Shimmer: Haunting and atmospheric reverb, created by pitch shifting the reverb tails
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